New Scholarship Application

Please read carefully the Guideline and prepare all required documents before filling out the form.

– 📝 Form for New Application
Guideline for New Application [pdf]

Documents for new Scholarship application:
1. Completed Application Form
2. Photo
3. Updated Curriculum Vitae
4. Two essays: topics see below
5. Official transcript from your most recent completed studies
6. Copy of acceptance letter or enrolment form for intended graduate institution
7. Signed three letters of recommendation (minimum two academic references) to be sent directly by referees from their official email accounts to before April 20, 2025.
8. Copy of valid Green Book showing chatrel dues paid up to 2024 (include 1st page, 2nd page, and last paid page)

Topics for two essays (500-word maximum)

A) MOTIVATION: Please describe your motivation for pursuing your intended field of study; including how/why you selected your graduate institution.

B) YOU & TIBET: Please describe how you view yourself and your work in connection to the Tibetan people and the future of Tibet.

3 Letters of Recommendations
Suggested Questions for Recommenders:
– How long have you known the applicant?
– In what capacity?
– What is the applicant’s aptitude for his/her field of study? (Please give specific examples)
– How would you rank/rate the applicant’s academic achievement or ability in relation to other students/employees etc?
– What is your assessment of the applicant’s potential in his/her chosen field of study?